Gallery LM now opens a permanent gallery with exhibition rooms in St. Sct. Mikkelsgade 10 A, 8800 Viborg.
The gallery will hold an opening reception on Saturday 22 January 2022 – more about this later.
The exhibitions in 2022 will exchange between permanent and new artists, between thematic exhibitions focusing on a single artist and exhibitions that go into depth with individual works of art. There will also be space for courses, presentations, teaching and much, much more.
The gallery’s focus area has so far been TRASH ART. There will always be art that has an emphasis on recycling and climate activism, but other facets are added continuously to expand the content of the artworks.
There will be exhibitions that are different, funny, thoughtful, and investigative. The exhibitions will target the diversity of an art audience.
I am very much looking forward to expanding the opportunities to show art by the talented artists who collaborate with me, and I am also very much looking forward to establishing contacts in art environments in Viborg.
More detailed plans will follow in January.
St. Sct. Mikkelsgade is a side street to Viborgs Sct. Mathiasgade, and next door to Sortebrødre church.