Young Art to Young People

What is this?
- The concept is made so that young, newly educated artists, can sell art to other young people.
- And for young people in education to be able to afford to buy an original piece of art.
Criteria for participation:
- The young artist may participate up to 3 years after his/ her exam as an artist.
What do you get as an artist?
- You will have the opportunity to sell art to young people who are interested in art.
- You will have the opportunity to get out on the art market in a quicker way.
- You will become a known artist faster.
What sort of art can you sell?
- The artwork should not be big. I suggest sizes not bigger than 30 x 30 cm. But they might be much smaller. The material is for you to choose, but I suggest a light material, that’s easier and cheaper to send/ transport. The subject is all up to you! But think young to young! You will have to send photos and information to Gallery LM – about your artwork and about yourself.
The prizes of the art?
- All works of art may cost between max. 40,00 – 54,00 EUR
- Gallery LM takes 20 % of the price for her work with selling the art, so you should include this in your price.
How will the art be sold?
- The buyer chooses an artwork by looking at the website of Gallery LM.
- The buyer pays to Gallery LM/ Lisbet by mobile pay, and she pays you.
What about transport from Ghana?
- When Lisbet/ Gallery LM will be in Ghana, she can bring your artwork to Denmark. In that case the art will either be a commissions sale, or you sell your work to Lisbet, or you should send it by DHL by request.
- As a commission’s sale you will be paid, when the artwork is sold. If Lisbet buys your work, you will get the full price minus 20 %, if it’s a new order you will have to send and pay DHL to send the art to Denmark – or other places. The expenses to DHL will be paid by Gallery LM.